Emotional AI by M.Cavada

image of wife-artimage of the work


内観 | (Naikan)

Naikan is Introspective: Is a structured method of self-reflection developed by Yoshimoto Ishin (1916–1988) in the 1940s. The practice is based around asking oneself three questions about a person in one's life What did I receive from this person? What did I return to this person? What troubles, worries, unhappiness did I cause this person?

希望 | (Kibō)

Kibō is Hope: Belief in better possibilities. 希望を持て。 (Kibō o mote. – Have hope.)

愛 | (Ai)

Ai is Love: Represents deep affection and compassion for others. It encompasses various forms of love, such as familial love (kazoku no ai), romantic love (ren’ai), and universal love (jiyuu na ai). The Japanese idiom “Ai ni itte shi wo motte koto” translates to “Love has the power to overcome any difficulties” and illustrates the transformative and nurturing nature of love.

理 | (Kotowari)

Kotowari is Reason: Refers to logical and rational thinking, emphasizing the pursuit of truth, understanding, and sound judgment. It underscores the importance of critical thinking and intellectual coherence. The proverb “Ri ga haitte kuchi ga tatsu” conveys the idea that reasoning gives rise to articulate speech.

自己啓発 | (Jiko Keihatsu)

Jiko Keihatsu is Self-improvement: Signifies the continuous process of personal growth, development, and self-discovery to enhance one’s skills, knowledge, and well-being. It reflects the commitment to lifelong learning and self-reflection. The saying “Tsune ni jiko keihatsu shite ikou” encourages the mindset of consistently seeking self-improvement.

自己啓発 | (Futokoro)

Futokoro is One’s true heart and mind: short Japanese word with deep meaning 彼の懐の深さに驚いた。(Kare no futokoro no fukasa ni odoroi ta.) – I was surprised by the depth of his true heart and mind. “Futokoro” profoundly encompasses one’s inner self . Another beautiful Japanese word with deep meaning.

儚さ | (Hakanasa)

Hakanasa is Transience: short Japanese word with deep meaning Appreciation of life’s ephemerality. 生命の儚さを感じる。 (Seimei no hakanasa o kanjiru. – Feel the transience of life.) Awareness of the ephemeral nature of life. Appreciation of fleeting beauty heightens experience.

無常 | (Mujō)

Mujō is Impermanence – Constancy of change : short japanese words with deep meaning : impermanence – Recognition that nothing lasts forever. 万物は無常である。 (Banbutsu wa mujō de aru. – All things are impermanent.)

瞬間 | (Shunkan)

Shunkan is Moment: This Japanese word with deep meaning : it signifies appreciating each moment, living fully in the present, not dwelling on past or future.

道 | (Michi)

Michi is Path/Way: This Japanese word with deep meaning encompasses the journey of life and search for purpose. We each walk different paths trying to find meaning and understand our place in the world. The journey of life and finding one’s purpose. 人生は長い道のりである。 (Jinsei wa nagai michi no ri de aru. – Life is a long journey.)